People spend their lives always striving to be something MORE - When all I want is to be something LESS. ~ by me

Monday, November 15, 2010

A Love - Hate Relationship

Just like a college girl with her off and on boyfriend that she loves, then hates... it goes back and forth, on and off with her boyfriend. This is how food is with me, and probably many of you blog readers, seeing most of you come from PT.
I love it in the way that it tasts good, it provides you with a comfort almost, fills your stumach... idk, something about it poeple think they can't do without it.
I hate it more than love it though. I hate that after I eat I feel terrible, I feel guilty, I feel like hate is being caked onto my poor body. I hate that I feel like I need food when I am constantly training myself to go with minimum. I hate that food is what I always have to think about, what is constantly filling my thoughts every hour and minute of the day. The list could go on forever I feel.

From this day on I am going to choose to look at my relationship with food as an only hate relationship... food is not getting anymore love from me.

Please leave a comment my dear friends, am I the only one feeling this way?

~a beautiful disaster

1 comment:

  1. I feel exactly the same way! The sweet taste of candy and other crap foods, or even just normal home food. Tastes good while you ate, but the feeling afterwards..

    I try to think of the feeling that comes after eating, so that I don't binge.

    Stay strong xx (:
