People spend their lives always striving to be something MORE - When all I want is to be something LESS. ~ by me

Monday, November 22, 2010

What I had today

Yes, I know, its so exciting (sarcastic) but sometimes I need to talk about it. I dont have anyone in "skin" that I talk to about my eating problems, so this blog and my pretty thin girls are who I rely on. Today I skipped breakfast and went to class. I planned it that I would stay after class so I could be at college over lunch time so I wouldnt have to eat lunch with my sister and mom at home. So i had 1/2 cup brocolie insted :) I came home, and at 4:00 I had 20 almonds and two grahm crackers. I wish I wouldnt have eaten them, because I was doing so well, but I was getting dizy. Tonight my sister is making pizza... but I will survive because we are a healthy family and make whole wheat pizza with veggies on it and not all the fatty meat. What have u had 2day?

~ Love, a beautiful disaster

1 comment:

  1. I have had a binge day. Or in my eyes it is, since I was hoping to stay under 600. I had 1200 frickin' calories :s Hoping for a better day tomorrow..

    Stay Strong ♥
