People spend their lives always striving to be something MORE - When all I want is to be something LESS. ~ by me

Friday, November 26, 2010

Perfect excericses for after Thanksgiving!

Feeling like you ate a little or lot too much? I know the feeling. I hate that feeling....

Try these great set of ab work outs to tone up the midle and work off some of those Thanksgiving calorise.

1 - Hanging Knee Raise

The hanging knee raise is one of my favorites and is the best exercise for the lower abs by far. Your legs are quite heavy objects and using your abs to lift them up and then to do a reverse crunch is an excellent method of targetting and punishing the lower abs.
The hanging knee raise should be done slowly whilst hanging from a chin up bar. You should never swing your legs in place but instead the motion should be controlled and your abs should be tensed throughout the whole ROM.

2. Bicycle Crunches Recently a fitness book I was reading wrote that in their studies of the abs exercises it was the bicycle crunch that caused the abs to tense the most. It was (supposedly) twice as effective as the crunch for ‘crunching’ your abs.
I found this interesting and so I began experimenting with it. At first I pumped them out quickly and didn’t find them very challenging at all. However, when I slowed down the bike crunch and focussed on my abs and my breathing I found that it worked quite well.
The idea is to mix both the lower and the upper abs in one exercise. You fully extend out one leg while the other is bent and you touch your opposite elbow to the bent leg as if you are doing a twisting crunch. Then you repeat for the other side without taking any rest or dropping your torso back down so the whole time you are doing them your upper body is in a crunch position. It’s tough.

3. Sprinting
What the…? I hear you all say! Sprinting? Is she crazy? Well, you won’t find this listed at any other fitness site as a great abs exercise.
When people are in sprinting training there abs grow like no other time. It is a mixture of the faster weight loss and the massive amounts of horemones that are released when the fast running is done. Also, the art of running is quite beneficial to the abs.

Good luck on them, i hope you enjoy them! they can be hard, but I know you can do it ;)
~a beautiful disaster

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