People spend their lives always striving to be something MORE - When all I want is to be something LESS. ~ by me

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I am drifting... I look in the miror and see fat building by the second. I am sick of not being in control this past week. Back to control tomorrow. No more binging or purdging and consuming less that 600 cals a day for 2 weeks.

Looking back at what weight goal i set at the end of the summer for dec, i see how much of a failier i am by not meeting it, not even close. I must consume myself with this again... i dont like not being in control


  1. I know exactly how you feel, I feel the same right now. But I've got a plan. Knowing that Christmastime is full of binging I've decided to try to enjoy this special time of the year and even though I feel so disgusted with myself I allow myself to eat a bit more than usually. I know that after Christmas everything's gonna change and no one's gonna dance around you with a bucket of gingerbread cookies.

    You can make yourself feel better by thinking about how fat I am. :D

  2. Ok.. Forget what I said... I just ate way too much and purged right after it.. Maybe I should first start to follow my own "rules" before telling them to others. :D

  3. thanks for the encouragement though hun. I hate what is happening to me! We will get through the hollidays, with eachothers support, these blogs, and pretty thin, we can. And your right, around christmas everyone eats more, and after christmas you can make up for it. I hope your doing better now
