People spend their lives always striving to be something MORE - When all I want is to be something LESS. ~ by me

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I swear my scale is broke

I haven't updated forever, and I regret it - big time. But I feel so ashamed of myself, I cant bring myself to make a post, nowing that I can only say how badly I have been doing... still trying to gain control. But here's the thing... my scale says I am TWO pounds lighter than when I felt like I lost control about 2 weeks ago. (i know, its terrible that its been two weeks that i feel like a freakin maniack)... I cant understand how I am lighter.... unless eating a little more food has boosted my motabolism, its just crazy. I dont trust that scale though, i dont.
Tomorrow I have finals... and then starting the next day I am going to begin restring as much as possible for a week. this might be hard becaues I wont be away at school and my family eats meals together, but I will be restringing non-the-less.
~a beautiful disaster

1 comment:

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    “Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”
